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V-CISO Services


Businesses face a risky combination of mounting security threats of increasing subtlety and a widening skills gap required to identify and combat cyber threats. Knowing how to lead the charge in identifying and analyzing threats, creating strategic security plans, and ensuring compliance, requires specialized cyber expertise.

Many businesses, especially small and medium sized businesses, simply don’t have enterprise-scale cyber security expertise on staff. Research firm ESG indicates the cybersecurity skills shortage is getting consistently worse since 2014. In 2019, 51% of respondents claimed their organization had a problematic shortage of cybersecurity skills.

As cybersecurity continues to become an overarching concern for businesses across all industries, the need for specialized security experts to help manage daily operations has become more important than ever. Recruiting, hiring and maintaining a cybersecurity team or Information Officer (IO) can be a time consuming, expensive and frustrating task. LP3’s Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) Services solves these problems by engaging with you as little or as much as you want to help provide the expertise, benefits and services that a highly certified in house team would provide.


Perhaps it’s time to consider a less traditional approach. There are many reasons to consider a Virtual CISO.  If your organization needs cyber expertise but does not have the resources for a full time cyber subject matter expert; if you need someone on an interim basis; or, if you have a critical time sensitive issue to resolve, then a v-CISO could be the answer.

LP3 offers flexibility.  You can set up a monthly retainer for a certain number of hours, bring in a v-CISO on a project basis, or procure a block of hours and use them as needed.  v-CISO is a way of getting the best enterprise-scale cyber security talent available for just a fraction of the cost of hiring another expensive executive


  • Policy development
  • Technical guidance
  • Proactive security leadership
  • Security remediation
  • Architecture development
  • Guidance and hands-on technical support

LP3’s v-CISO services will set-up your team with the best possible guidance to help navigate the changing cybersecurity landscape.

We are on a mission to PROTECT your data, privacy, and infrastructure.

Let us help you keep your organization safe from a cyberattack.

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